Saturday, April 08, 2006

I have found some special videos. They Might Be Giants Videos.

Lets just kick it off now.

Part 1

Part 1

Part 1

Anyway, I also found a nifty object for sale. It keeps computers from being damaged. Check out the stres test here.
Part 1

One other file. But it isn't that important. Unless you like Warhammer.
Warhammer Part 1

I checked out the first episode of Garo today. It has a shot of a painting. The painting is evil. It shows a woman. What we see is that she is naked from the waste up. It is assumed she is naked the rest of the way. It is never shown that far though. The painting posses a guy instead. Anyway, I was expecting some darkness in the show. But really, I was hoping for no nudity. I hope the rest of the show does not do this.

I have a list of movies I call Favorite Dissapointments and I hope not to add this show to it.

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